
  • Vesele
  • Vesele
  • Vesele
  • Vesele
  • Vesele
  • Vesele
11 het aantal abonnees
93 561

"Vesele" is a wonderful map based on one of the most picturesque parts of Ukraine. Its 18 fields of various sizes and configurations provide the opportunity to grow standard and additional crops, as well as fishing on one of two lakes. In addition, there are two forest plots on the map that can be bought and 12 sales points. But that's not all! The map has not only standard crops, but also an additional 28 species, as well as 4 additional species of animals. With the help of 22 different industries, you can produce an incredible 246 types of products. There are also collectible items on the map.

"Веселе" - це чудова мапа, яка створена за мотивами одного з наймальовничіших куточків України. Її 18 полів різного розміру та конфігурації надають можливість вирощувати стандартні та додаткові культури, а також займатися рибальством на одному з двох озер. Крім того, на мапі є дві лісові ділянки, які можна купити, та 12 точок продажу.Але це ще не все! На мапі є не тільки стандартні культури, а й додаткові 28 види, а також 4 додаткові види тварин. За допомогою 22 різних виробництв можна виробляти неймовірні 246 видів продукції. На мапі також присутні колекційні предмети.

  • - Minor changes and fixes

  • - Fixed triggers in feed mixer
    - Changed the loading speed of liquid fertilizers and herbicides from storage
    - Changed the volume of cat food in cats and in pallets
    - Somewhat modified cowshed
    - Some other minor changes and fixes

  • - Fixed contracts with additional crops
    - Added collision mask on reservoirs for workers
    - Fixed collisions of some trees
    - Fixed extra crops in the granary
    - Changed the volume of feed for cats

  • - Added new culture
    - Added and redesigned productions from Premium expansion
    - Improved support for Precision Farming
    - Added landscape texture
    - Slightly changed visual elements
    - Slightly improved optimization
    - Some other minor changes and fixes

  • Renewal:
    the map costs 50 hryvnias;
    a factory of semi-finished products was added, which produces meatballs, potato dumplings, dumplings, benderiki, chebureks, chivapcichi, pancakes with meat;
    added a mill that processes dry grain into flour and bran;
    changed the textures of carrots and onions and fixed a bug (they did not dry up in winter);
    some other minor changes and fixes.

  • Renewal:
    Added a fruit processing plant that produces standard products such as raisins and grape juice and non-standard items: semi-nocturnal jam, carrot juice, tomato juice and semi-nocturnal juice.
    The bakery's standard production has been expanded, it can now make poppy seed filling, poppy seed scones, and scones with half-lunch jam.
    Added a canning factory that produces ketchup, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, and canned tomatoes.
    Improved view of water on the map.
    Some other minor changes and fixes.

  • Renewal:
    A shop of meat delicacies has been added, producing sausages (boiled, raw-smoked, smoked), sausages, anchovies, prosciutto, basturma, smoked ribs and brisket, meat slices.
    The factory for the production of alcoholic beverages will allow you to get dark and light beer, alcohol, vodka, grape and strawberry wine, bread kvass, fodder yeast.
    Some other minor changes and fixes.

  • Added new animals: ducks and goats. Goats give milk that can be sold or processed at a dairy into hard cheese and cottage cheese. Ducks lay eggs. At the meat processing plant, you can get duck breast and minced meat, goat leg, breast and ribs from these animals.
    Added new products to carpentry: boxes, tubs, beehives and pallets. The sawmill can produce chipboard, OSB boards, chopped and uncut firewood in pallets.
    The production of starch and dry puree was added to the potato plant.
    Some production chains have been changed.
    Some other minor changes and fixes.

    Додано нові тварини: качки і кози. Кози дають молоко, яке можна продати або переробити на молокозаводі на твердий сир і бринзу. Качки несуть яйця. На м'ясокомбінаті з цих тварин можна отримати качину грудку і фарш, козячу ніжку, грудку і ребра.
    Додано нові вироби в столярне виробництво: ящики, діжки, вулики і палети. На лісопильці можна виробляти ДСП, плити OSB, рубані і не рубані дрова в палетах.
    На картопляний завод додано виробництво крохмалю і сухого пюре.
    Змінено деякі ланцюжки виробництва.
    Деякі інші дрібні зміни і виправлення.

  • New productions and new products have been added - sour cream, chocolate butter, condensed milk, pasteurized milk, dry milk, skimmed milk, yogurt, ice cream, sweet cottage cheese, cocoa, fish, chicken: leg, thigh, wing, breast, minced meat; pork: neck, brisket, lard, tenderloin, shoulder blade, ribs, front leg, back leg, bone, minced meat; beef: back leg, front leg, neck, tenderloin, minced meat; lamb: back leg, front leg, neck, tenderloin, minced meat.
    Added four product sales points.
    Added the ability to fish on the lake in the village.
    Fixed production at the potato factory.
    Some other changes.
    The FS22_AnimalInputExtension mod is required for the operation of the meat processing plant.

    New productions and new products have been added - sour cream, chocolate butter, condensed milk, pasteurized milk, dry milk, skimmed milk, yogurt, ice cream, sweet cottage cheese, cocoa, fish, chicken: leg, thigh, wing, breast, minced meat; pork: neck, brisket, lard, tenderloin, shoulder blade, ribs, front leg, back leg, bone, minced meat; beef: back leg, front leg, neck, tenderloin, minced meat; lamb: back leg, front leg, neck, tenderloin, minced meat.
    Added four product sales points.
    Added the ability to fish on the lake in the village.
    Fixed production at the potato plant.
    Some other changes.
    The FS22_AnimalInputExtension mod is required for the operation of the meat processing plant.

  • Added:
    - new crops: buckwheat, peas, poppy, mustard, alfalfa, clover, hops, flax, carrots, onions;
    - new products: wheat, barley, corn, buckwheat, pea, oat, soybean, sorghum groats; wheat, barley, oat, buckwheat, pea, soy, sorghum and flax flakes;
    The production chains of some products have been changed.
    A grain dryer and a grain factory, which accepts only dry and cleaned grain, have been added to the map. You can also buy a compost plant in the store.
    Added roads, changed base, changed some sounds. Replaced pallet textures of some products.
    Changed minimap.
    The temperature regime has been changed.
    Other minor fixes.

    - new crops: buckwheat, peas, poppy, mustard, alfalfa, clover, hops, flax, carrots, onions;
    - new products: wheat, barley, corn, buckwheat, pea, oat, soybean, sorghum groats; wheat, barley, oat, buckwheat, pea, soy, sorghum and flax flakes;
    The production chains of some products have been changed.
    A grain dryer and a grain factory, which accepts only dry and cleaned grain, have been added to the map. You can also buy a compost plant in the store.
    Added roads, changed base, changed some sounds. Replaced pallet textures of some products.
    Changed minimap.
    The temperature regime has been changed.
    Other minor fixes.
