John Deere 6020SE Series

  • John Deere 6020SE Series
  • John Deere 6020SE Series
  • John Deere 6020SE Series
  • John Deere 6020SE Series
  • John Deere 6020SE Series
  • John Deere 6020SE Series
890 het aantal abonnees
27 487

Im finally back and I have something speacial for you! I can say.. my best mod ever so far! :D

Motor Configuration
(With SyncroPlus 16/16 or PowerQuad 24/24 Transmission)
(Fully animated transmissions)

Wheel brand Configuration

Wheels Configuration
(Standard-Wide-Wide2-Wide+weights-Twin Back Wheels-Narrow-Narrow Twin Back Wheels-Narrow Twin Wheels)

Front Attacher Configuration
(Bracket-300kg-500kg-700kg-900kg-1000kg-1150kg-Front hydraulic)

Cabine Worklights Configuration
(Standard-Additional Front-Additional 2-Additional Front+Additional 2-Additional Front+Additonal Back-All)

TLS and SCV Pairs Configuration
(3 SCV Pairs-4 SCV Pairs-TLS+3 SCV Pairs-TLS+4 SCV Pairs)

Bonnet Lights and Front Window Configuration
(Standard-Premium Lights-Front Window-Premium Lights+Front Window)

Fenders Configuration
(No-Front-Front+Wide Back)

Beacons Configuration

StarFire Configuration

Cabine Controls Configuration
(Standard-PTO Control)

Exhaust and Bonnet Line Configuration
(Exhaust1-Exhaust2-Exhaust1+Bonnet Line-Exhaust2+Bonnet Line)

Front loader configuration
(No-Yes-Yes+Tool Box-Yes+Shield-Yes+Tool Box+Shield)

Base Material Configuration
(John Deere Green Plastic-John Deere Green-Original Green Plastic-Original Green)

Original John Deere Rims!

Mod is ready for Precision farming (Crop sensors configuration ready)
Required mods for getting full enjoyment are:---->SIMPLE IC and UNIVERSAL PASSENGER MOD<----

!!Log is clean and free of errors and mod is also tested on MP!!


  • Interactive Controls by Vertex Dezign ADDED
    Tire pressure system
    Improved Model
    Visual Fixes
    New real custom sounds
    Groups and Gears changed
    Washable improved
    Fixed fuel and temperature dashboard
    Interior Improvement
    New and improved frontloader configurations (quicke and hauer added)
    New shield
    New wheel options
    New wheel brand Kleber
    Front Axle improvement
    Fixed some little problems with connection hoses
    Speed on SyncroPlus transmission increased to 41.5
    And many more little improvements
