Dzika Dolina

  • Dzika Dolina
  • Dzika Dolina
  • Dzika Dolina
  • Dzika Dolina
  • Dzika Dolina
  • Dzika Dolina
27 het aantal abonnees
51 515

The map was created solely with my thoughts, what brought my head - I transferred to the card. I hope that the fictional map is no obstacle for you to spend hundreds of hours on it.

I started making the map on November 8, 2022 until February 22, 2023. I wanted you to feel comfortable on it, and I made it for everyone - it has straight and angled fields, with the majority of the latter. Mostly mountainous terrain but there will also be more level areas.

Things the map has:

-100 collectibles,

-224 farmland,

-190 fields including 21 meadows,

-Pairs of forests,

-Very varied terrain,

-Changed tree textures,

-Multiterrain (called 360° Soil),

-2 farms,

-Pair of areas to build a farm,

-New terrain paintings,

-Changed textures from some crops,

-Modified stubble values along with tire tracks,


-Biogas plant,

-Petrol station,

-Animal trader,

-Lumber mill,

-Small gravel pit,


-Machinery store,

-Filling water from most water ponds,

-Road and pedestrian traffic,

-About 6 purchases for grain,

-About 1-4 purchases for the rest of the crops,

-Polish license plates,

-Changed sowing dates,

-Changed lighting

-A custom map for Precision Farming

-And many more, check it out for yourself.

Important!!! On my channel you will find a tutorial for replacing textures on the second farm. If you do not do this, you will have the original textures.

Enjoy the game!

YouTube video:
