This is my Pack of the 44/45/56 XL Series. I took many parts from other mods to make a more realistic model.
Pack includes
-IHC XL Swb Gen1, 1981 (745 Only)
-IHC XL Gen1, 1981
-CaseIH XL Gen2, 1985
-Case XL Gen3, 1992
there is lots of wheel options and configuration, there is also lots of Ic Controls. Have Fun
-!!!Fixed creeping issue!!!
-Edited 3D model
-Added configurable worklights
-Added configurable painted fenders
-Added new details on speakers
-Changed 3D model
-Fixed minor issues
-Updated Store images
-Added animated Dashboard switches
-Changed 3D model of the front of the XL Cab
-Improved Wiper behavour
-Made decals on roof configurable
-Added Turbo decals on 856 XL
-Fixed Errors
-Fixed Straight versions not having sound