Fendt 700/800 Vario TMS

  • Fendt 700/800 Vario TMS
  • Fendt 700/800 Vario TMS
  • Fendt 700/800 Vario TMS
  • Fendt 700/800 Vario TMS
  • Fendt 700/800 Vario TMS
  • Fendt 700/800 Vario TMS
Rentner Modding
110 het aantal abonnees
59 545

This is a Fendt 700/800 Vario TMS

Daytime running lights have been added.
Halogen and LED headlights.
A rope on the front guard.
DBL terminals
Various RUL
New sound
PTG/RDA installed (it is possible that not every tire choice is perfect!)

115-212 hp
55 KM/H

  • RDA/PTG is now working correctly.

  • PRG/RDA installed (it is possible that not every tire choice is perfect!)

  • 9 IC Points Fixed, 8 Outside (6 Rear 2 Front), 1 Inside (PTO On/Off)

    Added LED rotating lights

    Clock fixed

  • The light has been revised.

    Added old air filter as a configuration.

    Sound from BloodyRulez was installed.

    Dashboard Live was installed with 5 pages to change and Isobus pages.

    New BKT tires were installed (4 configurations).

    Mouse control has been expanded.

    Tire Pressure script has been installed and a visual system is being planned.

    If you have any bugs/errors, improvements or other concerns, please contact us :)
