New Holland 70 Series

  • New Holland 70 Series
  • New Holland 70 Series
  • New Holland 70 Series
  • New Holland 70 Series
  • New Holland 70 Series
  • New Holland 70 Series
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New Holland 70 series tractor with the following changes:
Wheels: US Spec row crop, FWA and 2wd (only on non-supersteer). Brands: Goodyear, Firestone, Continental
Activated simple IC that was deactivated in Modhub
Brands: New Holland, FiatAgri, NH FiatAgri, Ford, Ford NH, Versatile. Tractor color and turn signals change automatically with brand
Beacons: Options for all 10 of the base game beacons
Beacon Position: Left cab, right cab, both cab, left mirror, right mirror, both mirrors
Monitors: None, Kinze BV, Kinze KPMII, Precision Planting, Kinze KPMII + Precision Planting, Kinze BV + Kinze KPMII
Real Dashboard: No, Yes
Mirrors: No, Yes
GPS: Appears with Guidance Steering option
Non-Supersteer configs:
Frontloader: None, New Holland mount
NH 8514 Frontloader

Included in mod is a reskinned JD H480 frontloader, fictional.
This was the only frontloader I could find that was wide enough to fit properly, it was certainly not my first choice.

  • AT Farms