La Française

  • La Française
  • La Française
  • La Française
  • La Française
  • La Française
342 het aantal abonnees
104 426

Here is our first map created from scratch! “La Française” a European and French map.

It contains :
2 cow sites
2 cow plots
Can ready 60 fields and 20 plots of grass
2 plots for cows - 3 plots for horses
you start with a farm and vehicles
6 points of sale
-2 dealer

Good game to you !

Don’t hesitate to join our Discord and post photos!

  • Correction :

    -replaced old dead trees with real trees from the game
    - town entrance signs fields 1 moved
    -Petit Pea harvest day added
    correct sign between cities (inverse between exit and enter)
    added some colliding village buildings
    Add in required mods like a multi-fruit beet harvester and 1 multi-fruit seeder for carrots.
    -silage silo correction check no bug detected
    -sawmill correction check no bug detected
    -Curable manure stabling on the 2 farms
    -Added gas station next to the cooperative and the Cereal farm.

    Good game to all. Thank you for supporting us! The Buildings update is coming this week!

  • Hello everyone, here is your Christmas present, the French update v2 and the latest major version, other updates will be available to correct bugs.

    We want to keep the style of the map for players who like small maps. So we're going to make a new medium sized map.


    Here's what we've added and changed:
    -Added 7 new crops
    -Added pedestrian traffic
    -Added warnigsstrips on certain triggers to see them
    -Added a repair point to the New Holland store
    -Optimization of the map
    -Log Cleans (0 errors)
    -TestRunner optimized for the map
    -And other surprises await you...

    If you notice any other bugs, please send them to us on our Discord server and we will release a minor update to correct them.

    Happy gaming everyone and Merry Christmas, another surprise will arrive at the beginning of January on ModHub, watch out!
