Butler Bros Mark V

  • Butler Bros Mark V
  • Butler Bros Mark V
  • Butler Bros Mark V
  • Butler Bros Mark V
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This is a set of two forestry forwarders (with and without loading crane).
Both forwarders are equipped with an automatic log loading function.

- Price: $225,000/$200,000
- Power: 286 HP
- Maximum speed: 23 km/h
- Wheel configurations
- Autoload script sorts logs by stack

- You can set the number of log stacks, from 1 change to 2-

You can manually switch between stacks
- You can view the unloading area to see where the logs are unloaded
- You can view the loading area to see the current stack
- You can move, resize and change the rotation of the unloading area
- The number and total mass of loaded logs are displayed in the F1 menu
- All controls can be set in your control settings
- You can enable/disable F1 help, it is saved globally in the XML configuration file

Loading variants: 1 pile of 6 m to 8 m,
2 batteries up to 3 m
Control elements:KEY_X - folding/unfolding craneKEY_B
- start autoloading KEY_Y
- start unloadingKEY_O
- change page (left/right)KEY_KP_enter
- modify the number of batteriesKEY_KP_period
- move to the next stack pageKEY_l
ctrl KEY_KP_minus
- Move unloading positionKEY_lctrl KEY_KP_plus
- Unloading position scaleKEY_KP_0
- Rotation of unloading positionKEY_KP_multiply
- Show/hide loading position (current stack) KEY_KP_divide
- Show/hide unloading positionKEY_lctrl KEY_t
- Show/hide F1 help control (saved in XML configuration file).

  • Draggon