
  • Altenthal
  • Altenthal
  • Altenthal
  • Altenthal
  • Altenthal
26 het aantal abonnees
44 670

:):):)Welcome to Altenthal:):):)

But first a few words about me. This is my FIRST map for the LS. I've been building with Blender for about a year now, and have been working on the map for 1.5 years, not everything will be perfect on the map but I think It's pretty good, but now...

Altenthal here is a fictional map with numerous options divided into 3 villages.

The map offers 76 fields, including 6 meadows, ranging in size from 1ha to 12ha, as well as 3 medium-sized forest areas, as well as 13 sales points and 3 gas stations.

It has 21 permanently installed custom productions with an interconnected industry, with around 120 new fill types, almost every fill type can be further processed at least once...

At the heart of the map is the main farm (completely for sale) including a side farm that offers everything, a pigsty, a cowshed, a small chicken coop, a farm silo including a mind, bale storage and various feed mixing systems. All stables are for manual mucking out.

There are also two cow pastures and a sheep pasture in the immediate vicinity.

There is also a chicken farm (for sale) with two large stables on the map.

We also offer a fruit and vegetable farm where we grow apples, pears, cherries, blackberries, parsnips, watermelons and much more.

Altenthal data:

- 76 fields including 6 meadows
- There is an inn, a fire department, a church...
- 21 productions such as: Bakeries, sawmill, BGA, oil mill, cardboard factory, jam factory, slaughterhouse etc.,
- Multifruit: triticale, spelt, rye, millet, lentils, field grass
- Corn stalks on the map
- 13 points of sale
- Animals from Hof ​​Bergmann installed (approval is available)
- Adjusted ambient sounds
- More ground angles (32)
- Changed fruit textures
- Precision Farming Ready
- Changed feeding
- AI traffic/pedestrian installed, helper AI installed
- ManureSystem completely installed in stables, productions and purchase/sales points
- Changed lime and fertilizer textures
- All ground layers of the map are also paintable
- Premium DLC Ready

- Additionally placeable bale storage for hay, straw, corn straw, silage is available in the shop...

A mod from FBM is required: pastin/

the rest comes from Modhub

!!! Please note that there are beehives built into the fruit/vegetable farm. If you want to use them, I have to build a pallet spawner first, unfortunately there is no other solution...)

If you have any questions, errors or help, please come to our disord and we will be happy to help:

A huge thank you goes out to Dear Landbauer for allowing me to use your things,
also thanks to björn_AKA_FactoryMODS and Bezzi without you the map would never have turned out like this....THANK YOU....

Thanks to FarmerAndy(LSFM) for releasing the animals
Thanks to the ModdingWeltTeam Raptor5 and Hoffi for the Fr

  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NEW SAVEGAME IS NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    - Juice production fixed so that the boxes no longer get stuck in the machine.
    - Cabinet, chair, table taken from the points of sale
    - Field grass now goes into the seed maker on the farm and is converted into grain.
    - Reduced seed consumption for lentils
    - Grass LOD revised
    - Water trigger on Beetmaster and Erdfruitwasher moved to the right
    - Dried grain can now be used at the grain mill; it goes into wheat flour and grain meal.
    - Fixed floating ivy on the BGA
    - Gates at the muesli factory and the oil mill are set correctly.
    - Adjusted grain mill output.
    - Compostmaster fixed that clover and alfalfa now go in.
    - Kalk has got sales outlets
    - Greenhouses & orchards were replaced with manure/compost.


    - Seed dressing available in the shop as an IBC tank.
