IH Farmall 1066 Hydro

  • IH Farmall 1066 Hydro
  • IH Farmall 1066 Hydro
  • IH Farmall 1066 Hydro
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Good morning! If you remember correctly, I announced this tractor yesterday in my project progress update, and here it is. Yes, I know there's still work to be done, and it might still be a little lacking in some places, but that's just a detail! beta version. Normally I would mention people at this point, but today I don't have to. This mod was developed from scratch by myself, and I'm very proud to do it for the first time! Okay, let's get straight to the point: what are the features?
Price - $40,000 HP - 140 Configurations - Weight (more on this later) Wheels - Goodyear and Continental (again, we'll talk about this later) Please report any bugs or anything that doesn't seem quite right done correct! Thanks for stopping by and enjoying this mod.

  • Theisatron