John Deere 87/8960 Edit

  • John Deere 87/8960 Edit
  • John Deere 87/8960 Edit
  • John Deere 87/8960 Edit
  • John Deere 87/8960 Edit
  • John Deere 87/8960 Edit
  • John Deere 87/8960 Edit
TJM Farming
28 het aantal abonnees
6 452

My LAST mod edit for FS22, and one which I couldn't help but make a version suitable to go on

History behind this mod:

IRL my dad bought a 1992 John Deere 8760 tractor back in 1996 for use as his big air seeding and ploughing tractor in Western Australia. However, we found that the tractor had a few faults after a few years. One of these faults was the visibility at night with the factory lights the tractor had from new. So, to rectify the issue, new LED Hella spotlights were ordered, and were fitted to the tractor complete with a light bar for improved visibility at night. by the early/mid 2000s.

Recently, in 2024 we sold this tractor, which we lovingly nicknamed "Big Green". And, because I couldn't take a piece of the real tractor as a keepsake, I thought I'd do one better by making Big Green's Light bar in FS22.

Like the 7810, this mod took quite a bit to get working right, as not only did Siid modding put the incorrect gearbox in the original mod, but also put incorrect sounds on the mod, which looking at the files looks to be taken from a Fendt, not a John Deere.


In total, I've made the following changes

- Swapped the incorrect Manual+Powershift gearbox Siid's version on modhub had for a gearbox that matches the one seen on the tractor itself.

- Added custom start-up and idle sounds recorded from the IRL 8760 back in 2020

- Added Cab monitors for Precision Planting, Kinze, and Concord

- Added BKT & Continental tire options in addition to Michelin to add some more variety.

- Added Two-way radio and swapped the rearview mirror to match the irl 8760's cab configuration.

- Front headlight options, including the original lights, original extended lights and LED Light bar options for increased visibility.

- 3 Engine options: 8760 - 300hp, 8760 tuned - 410hp, 8960 - 370hp.

Credit goes to Siid Modding for the original tractor, Casearias modding for the monitors from the Case MX magnum.

As per usual log should be clear of errors, however if you come across any issues be sure to let me know.

Happy Farming!


  • - De koplampen aan de voorzijde van de tractor zijn aangepast voor beter zicht, afhankelijk van de lichtconfiguratie die u gebruikt.

    - De LED Spotlight-balk aan de voorkant aangepast, zodat de lampen nu de juiste LED-verlichting aan de voorkant produceren, voor een betere zichtbaarheid en dekking in vergelijking met de standaardkoplampen

    - Nieuwe LED-lichtbalkopties toegevoegd voor de bovenkant van de cabine naast de Greenstar 3000 GPS-wereldbol, die doet denken aan de oude 8960/8970-mod van Custom Modding uit FS17/19, om een ​​andere optie te bieden voor beter zicht bij nachtwerk voor degenen die dat niet doen Ik wil de LED-lichtbalk aan de voorkant niet. Dit wordt geleverd als een enkele lichtbalk of als twee kleinere LED-lampjes, afhankelijk van de GPS-configuratie die u kiest.

    - De prijzen van de monitoren in de cabine zijn gewijzigd, zodat u nu moet betalen voor monitoren die compatibel zijn met zaaiopstellingen. Geen gratis geschenken meer!
