-Overgang van de achterhef naar UDIM → voltooid
-Vaste tegeltextuur → klaar
- Probleem opgelost dat de handen van de verteller niet draaien → bezig
-Kleur toevoegen → klaar
-De McCormick MTX-configuratie toegevoegd (ik wacht op toestemming van Kariboux-modding om deze volledig te voltooien)
sorry to ask this... but do you also make this with case ih mx rims instead the original fs22 rims???
hello in my save game the windows look a little more white than seetrough can you maybe look in to that?
for the rest it looks amazing!
Hello community, the mods will not be released this weekend because I have to adjust the sounds as well as another problem with the front hitch (the hoses and power take-offs no longer want to attach, but that's not the case). does not prevent the operation of the front tools).
To make you wait I leave you with some images.