Court Farms Multifruit Edit

289 het aantal abonnees
Geschatte release op 08/2023
8 049

Dit work-in-progress is gearchiveerd. Dit kan te wijten zijn aan een lange periode van inactiviteit of aan de beslissing van de auteur. We kunnen niet weten of het later opnieuw zal worden bijgewerkt of niet.

Multifruit added

- added the same multifruit as in Rogatki 3.0, plus these novelties: white clover and fodder oat.
- added a script to make different silages in the same bunker (from m+ - you can ferment even ccm and compost);
- added the Rabbit Hutch from the pack, inside the map's modification, because these rabbits are different and didn't work from an external mod, like my pack.
- coming tomorrow or Sunday as a BETA version on my Discord and later next week as the first itteration.

Court Farms Multifruit Edit
Court Farms Multifruit Edit
Court Farms Multifruit Edit
Court Farms Multifruit Edit

Lien de ton discord stp



Adding multifruit

With the blessing of the amazing map maker Oxygen David, will edit his new upcoming map, Court Farms.
Will add only the multifruit, the fillTypes, bales, windrows, Goweil Bales, edit the animal food accordingly to the new crops.
All the buildings and productions will be in the production pack already released.
Basically will have the same crops as Rogatki 3.0.
Changes: quinoa, white clover (instead or alongside the old red clover), fodder oat; will keep Oxy's rye and alfalfa (with the addition of swathing for rye/fermenting for alfalfa).
Will start editing right after the official release and will update as the original updates (most likely if the update is important and relevant to my edit).
Animals will stay the same (no cats).
No changes on the actual i3d, just the usual pack to combine with the original. This one won't have an full map version on Discord, because I received only the permission for the pack.
Images are from Oxy Discord.I don't have access to the map.

Court Farms Multifruit Edit
Court Farms Multifruit Edit
Court Farms Multifruit Edit
Court Farms Multifruit Edit

bonsoir aller vous faire le multifruit sur court farm svp merçi




I love how people don't read what I've stated and started with accusations. For those with access on Oxy's Discord, you already saw that the permission is real. It only be a pack of map's files modified to have multifruit (same as my Rogatki edit - also not my map, just an edit).
If I only wanted the money from downloads (all non modhub modders know that it's not much - in a year I made about 50 bucks), I would have edited all the important maps, with or without permission. My goal is not to have a huge number of downloads or to grow my comunity. In my profile I stated from the beginning that I only edit/mod what I play. So I chose Court because it will be my next personal gameplay. I was going to edit it either way, but the fact that Oxy granted the permission to share it with all eager to have multifruit, it's just a bonus for me and you. Have a nice day!