Selfmade Silage Trailer

39 het aantal abonnees
1 412

Dit work-in-progress is gearchiveerd. Dit kan te wijten zijn aan een lange periode van inactiviteit of aan de beslissing van de auteur. We kunnen niet weten of het later opnieuw zal worden bijgewerkt of niet.

The silage trailer you've never seen before!

This is the Polish silage trailer from real life. At first it was a forage wagon, but then it got converted to a normal silage trailer without the loader, so that's how I brought it in-game. It holds 23 cubic meters.

The model is currently remade from the beginning because I have real life pictures of it, but I still have to make more details to the actual model. When the model will be finished, I will post new images.

Things to complete:
- Assign colorMats again,
- Add more details into the actual model,
- Make specular maps,
- Make dynamic animations of the back,
- Make 3D chain and metal bar pushing the silage,
- Add a wooden trunk when detached,
- Add more lights at the front,
- Add more reflectors on left and right side,
- Change wheels,
- Fix unloading effect (smoke, etc.).

Selfmade Silage Trailer
Selfmade Silage Trailer
Selfmade Silage Trailer