Dit work-in-progress is gearchiveerd. Dit kan te wijten zijn aan een lange periode van inactiviteit of aan de beslissing van de auteur. We kunnen niet weten of het later opnieuw zal worden bijgewerkt of niet.
Hello everyone, I present to you one of my new projects,
a John Deere XUV865M with small tracks.
The panel was a test but it will be removed.
To make room for better.
I was inspired by the GATOR irl photo linked to wip.
(for the curious: https://www.tiktok.com/@sprayingwheat2023/video/7207465743196196138)
For the moment no release to announce I am in the process of fine-tuning to have something clean and well coded.
I would ask the modder once the mod is finished if I can publish it of course.
I hope you like it, I'm waiting to see if there's any positive feedback
,before committing to the steps for publication.
Good day to all.
fb: FS Modding France (KeXx)
Je vais le sortir sur Farming Simulator 25!
Désoler pour l attente, je vais reprendre mon projet.
J aimerais juste le retour du interactive control avant.