Project "No Man's Land" Brazilian-Uruguayan

4 het aantal abonnees
Geschatte release op 03/2024
1 286

Dit work-in-progress is gearchiveerd. Dit kan te wijten zijn aan een lange periode van inactiviteit of aan de beslissing van de auteur. We kunnen niet weten of het later opnieuw zal worden bijgewerkt of niet.

No named it yet - need ideas for the name.

I need some ideas to what to add to this map, this is gonna be the first version of the project, in the future i plan on improving the quality of it + making it bigger + adding new crops, textures, places, etc.

At this moment it contains 16 fields, each one is around 26,5 hectares / 65,5 acres, each one has a different price, for example the first field is cheap but the second is double the price, the third is more expensive, this way you will have to work more to buy more fields.
Also there are custom licence plates based on those from Uruguay and a custom calendar with real information based in Uruguay too, there is already a custom crop "Rice" with the calendar already made and all, Terrafarm is compatible with the map + i plan adding zones to cultivate rice.

Project "No Man's Land" Brazilian-Uruguayan
Project "No Man's Land" Brazilian-Uruguayan

Buenas! me pasarías este mapa aunque no esté terminado? me ha costado encontrar mapas de Uruguay y este se ve tremendo así como está. Para dejar un poco No Mans Land y ver algo más uruguayo

[email protected]



Pour le nom il est un peut tôt, il faudrait plus d'image pour trouver une idée. Mais sa semble bien avancer. ^^