Is anyone having issues deleting the structure once placed? Im trying to rearange my farm and it wont delete.
@Anthicz I have q did yoi had in storage cotton bale? That maybe was issue, yesterday was new update now is possible to spawn this bale
bonjour, j'ai versé du grain dans le silo mais je ne trouve pas à quel endroit je peux recharger dans la remorque
@logal well so only what I can say is that most probably there will be some problem with other mod. I and my friends and many many other players use it everyday. Only issues which waiting for update are that cotton bale is not possible spawn and loading trigger for some seeders does not work so I made them bigger. Both are already fixed and submitted 27.2.2025, is possible that bigger trigger will solve your issue. But as I said I never saw issue for regular trailer thats does not work
Hallo! Super Teil, hab es mir schon etwas umgebaut, aber hier mal eine Frage: Sag mal, geht das nicht mehr, das man z.B. loses Gras an der Abladestelle abkippt und dann aber wieder als Ballen heraus bekommt? Mir gelingt das einfach nicht! Braucht man dazu einen extra Trigger?
@Thunder2529 can I ask what did you edit? next update waiting. But Giant is super slow Changelog V1.0.0.2