Hey ich bin Armeus und ich habe vor ein paa monaten angefangen meine erste Map für den LS 25 zu Bauen.
Hey, I'm Armeus and a few months ago I started building my first map for FS 25.
@calimero1827 il faut chercher sur internet peut-être que certains sites ont encore l'ancienne version en téléchargement je ne l'ai plus
@calimero1827 allez simplement dans le menu arborescence et vous pourrez ensuite simplement supprimer les clôtures sur le bord de la route, veuillez lire les descriptions des mises à jour, merci
Good evening for the sawmill there is no unloading area for wood chips, I looked for it but I did not find it because it did not materialize.
@Le Lorrain the sawmill produce wood chips if you buyed it and bring wood in ... sell station for wood chips is the market you should check the production infos the sawmill dont accept woodchips it produce it from wood
@FarmLife36 V3 is in queue ... kingmods is still checking look on other sites for the v3
@AustriaFarmer Many thanks for the map presentation
working on version 3
more changes to the map will follow ... btw your map Presentation is not public listed.