

261 het aantal abonnees


BayernGamers BayernGamers heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod
WKF Randy

Superb mod, really loved it in FS22. So a MASSIVE thank you for sharing it with us to enjoy and making almost all the base game vehicles have it by default.
I have a few questions if thats okay :)

1: How do you add it to modded vehicles?

2: Would it be possible to add modded vehicles in the same way as you have done with the base game vehicles?
And in that i mean in the exact same way you have done with defaultVehicles.xml, but just allowing for mods to be loaded in the same way.

3: Partly fits with #2, but would it be possible to add a "modVehicles.xml" within RealGPS mod itself? Or in the modSettings folder?
Then edits to every mod is not needed, but by pointing to the nodes etc just like you have done with the defaultVehicles.xml, just in a file for modded vehicles.

Once more, thank you for spoiling us with this mod, really enjoying using it on our server.
Have a good weekend and thank you for your hard work 🏆️

@WKF Randy The ability to show other players on the PDA is on my roadmap but the feature is not implemented yet.

BayernGamers BayernGamers heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod
WKF Randy

Superb mod, really loved it in FS22. So a MASSIVE thank you for sharing it with us to enjoy and making almost all the base game vehicles have it by default.
I have a few questions if thats okay :)

1: How do you add it to modded vehicles?

2: Would it be possible to add modded vehicles in the same way as you have done with the base game vehicles?
And in that i mean in the exact same way you have done with defaultVehicles.xml, but just allowing for mods to be loaded in the same way.

3: Partly fits with #2, but would it be possible to add a "modVehicles.xml" within RealGPS mod itself? Or in the modSettings folder?
Then edits to every mod is not needed, but by pointing to the nodes etc just like you have done with the defaultVehicles.xml, just in a file for modded vehicles.

Once more, thank you for spoiling us with this mod, really enjoying using it on our server.
Have a good weekend and thank you for your hard work 🏆️

@WKF Randy Hi, you can find a tutorial on how to install the RealGPS Mod in the sdk folder within the Mod itself. Currently there is no plan to support Mod Vehicles in a modVehicles XML as the responsibility to maintain and extend those modVehicle.xml Files would fall back to me.
Modders who want their Mods to be compatible with RealGPS can set up the RealGPS as shown in the tutorial. And anyone else who knows how to use the GIANTS Editor a bit will be able to set up the RealGPS for his favorite Mods as well.

BayernGamers BayernGamers heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod
Derwen Modding

Thank you for this mod. I used it extensively in FS22 and add it to all my private mods. For it to work with the base game vehicles 'out of the box' is amazing. Great work! I don't know if any GPS routing would be possible in game when tagging a place in the PDA?

@Derwen Modding Hi, I'm glad that you like my mod. Unfortunately it's not possible to draw a path to a pinned object or Location on the map. The only thing that could be possible is to show the pinned Location on the PDA but not the path to it.

BayernGamers BayernGamers heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod
Jay Staff

Thanks for this mod, an idea for a possible update soon, combine RealGPS with the future PrecisionFarming, it would be top to see the yield in real time for exemple. Although I think it will be difficult to script this.

@Jay Staff Hey, I already had this idea in Fs22 but sadly this is not possible.

BayernGamers BayernGamers heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

Je ne comprend pas pourquoi un truc aussi simple ne soit pas d'origine sur le jeu... En tout cas merci pour ce mod de dingue. Seul bémol faut à chaque fois le faire pour ses mods; dommage que sa ne soit pas automatique...

@Ado76 Hey, It‘s simply impossible to do an automatic setup for Mod Vehicles. For Basegame Vehicles I added the RealGPS manually, but It‘s way to much work to do this for every Mod Vehicle that‘s out there.

BayernGamers BayernGamers heeft een mod gepubliceerd