

18 het aantal abonnees


BoladaoFarm BoladaoFarm reageerde een mod

Hello friend, congratulations on the update, it's a really beautiful mod, I saw that now it doesn't seem to be walking with a handbrake on, would you know which command line I change this parameter so that it can change in my mods? I use console and many of them become bad to use because I always need to use the speeder at maximum and when released, the vehicle stops immediately

BoladaoFarm BoladaoFarm reageerde een mod

Hello friend, could you update the map to have more buildings and points of sale, a river, bridges, update the textures for fs25, your map is very beautiful with few details it is an excellent project

BoladaoFarm BoladaoFarm reageerde een mod

olá, alguma novidade ou pista doque porque não funciona corretamente no multiplayer?:

BoladaoFarm BoladaoFarm reageerde een mod

tem que arrumar as rodas estao afastadas do cubo

BoladaoFarm BoladaoFarm heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

Hey, thanks for sharing your conversion.

The tractor doesn't have light's for me.

Without being this, only have seen some missing textures in the special type of new wheels the tractor has, like in your photos here in the post, they appear black, for me in game they are white or grayish, but i think it has potential.


@RFNF Hello dear.

BoladaoFarm BoladaoFarm heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

What a shiny tractor

@Ssin Thank you! really very well done

BoladaoFarm BoladaoFarm heeft een mod gepubliceerd