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Bugatti Bugatti heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

You need to load this ingame and open the log and cycle thru this and the associated mods you have for it; and fix the errors. Quality work wont be recognized if you dont check and test your mods for simple errors that shouldn't be.

But if you would like to know the quality of my work - send me a invite to your discord or username. I will be happy to show you :)

Bugatti Bugatti heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

You need to load this ingame and open the log and cycle thru this and the associated mods you have for it; and fix the errors. Quality work wont be recognized if you dont check and test your mods for simple errors that shouldn't be.

Using a filltypeCategory "Liquid" would use all filltypes that are liquid, as it stands you have them preset to just a few filltypes, so i dont understand what you mean. Category usage yields more compatibility with mods such as kerosene, tar, crude oil, etc etc etc. Not just the basegame few liquids you are using now.

Bugatti Bugatti heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

You need to load this ingame and open the log and cycle thru this and the associated mods you have for it; and fix the errors. Quality work wont be recognized if you dont check and test your mods for simple errors that shouldn't be.

I work on maps and fix mod authors mods. I am a scripter and this game doesnt allow me to use the Lua i would like to use.
Btw Warnings are defined as orange text warnings, errors are red, so they are indeed errors - again nice work, but fix the errors.

Bugatti Bugatti heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

You need to load this ingame and open the log and cycle thru this and the associated mods you have for it; and fix the errors. Quality work wont be recognized if you dont check and test your mods for simple errors that shouldn't be.

What i can think of so far, other than that, fantastic work. I also recommend using filltypeCategories="LIQUID" for the tanks.

Bugatti Bugatti heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

You need to load this ingame and open the log and cycle thru this and the associated mods you have for it; and fix the errors. Quality work wont be recognized if you dont check and test your mods for simple errors that shouldn't be.

The reacher stacker also has a small error of not using unitTextOverride in fillUnitConfiguration.
I resolved both on my end.

Bugatti Bugatti heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

You need to load this ingame and open the log and cycle thru this and the associated mods you have for it; and fix the errors. Quality work wont be recognized if you dont check and test your mods for simple errors that shouldn't be.

open top container -
<i3dMapping id="autoLoadWood" node="0>0|14|0"/>
<i3dMapping id="loadMarker" node="0>0|14|2" />
<i3dMapping id="unloadMarker" node="0>0|14|3" />

these nodes don't exist in the i3d

Bugatti Bugatti reageerde een mod

You need to load this ingame and open the log and cycle thru this and the associated mods you have for it; and fix the errors. Quality work wont be recognized if you dont check and test your mods for simple errors that shouldn't be.

Bugatti Bugatti reageerde een mod

This is public on his patreon so why is this uploaded here?

Bugatti Bugatti reageerde een mod

why use a sketchy download site, cant even download

Bugatti Bugatti heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

You can fix the camera by changing it from -180 to 180

unzip mod and open the i3d in editor, switch the camera to interior one and you'll see the values on the right.