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DrivingMeCrazy DrivingMeCrazy reageerde een mod

Could you possible tell me which file would update the mud tracks on roads?

It appears it would belong in maps > textures > shared... but I don't see the shared file in the v.4 download.

Thank you for your time.

DrivingMeCrazy DrivingMeCrazy reageerde een mod

I looks like the cow barn is the only building that isn't able to be placed again.

DrivingMeCrazy DrivingMeCrazy heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

Love this truck. This is probably user error, but I can't seem to get the chainsaw on the back of the truck. The outline for it shows up when I get close enough, but I can't find an option to place it. And yes, I did purchase the chainsaw. Any idea what I may be doing wrong? Thanks!

@AkiraLazarus Wow, I can't believe I couldn't figure that out. lol works great, thank you.

DrivingMeCrazy DrivingMeCrazy reageerde een mod

Love this truck. This is probably user error, but I can't seem to get the chainsaw on the back of the truck. The outline for it shows up when I get close enough, but I can't find an option to place it. And yes, I did purchase the chainsaw. Any idea what I may be doing wrong? Thanks!

DrivingMeCrazy DrivingMeCrazy beoordeeld als een mod
DrivingMeCrazy DrivingMeCrazy beoordeeld als een mod
DrivingMeCrazy DrivingMeCrazy beoordeeld als een mod