

16 het aantal abonnees


iAlreadyExist iAlreadyExist reageerde een mod

it has problems with selling points where new filltypes were added to basic game sell points such as farmers market and this map the sell points doesn`t accept them.

iAlreadyExist iAlreadyExist reageerde een mod

cant feed tmr with feed mixer

iAlreadyExist iAlreadyExist heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

Where do you sell the dry corn at

@BradenWhitesell it works on all base game map you can find it here https://prnt.sc/_LQ26L9g0pvl
if you playing custom maps it might not have base game selling point.

iAlreadyExist iAlreadyExist heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

Where do you sell the dry corn at

@BradenWhitesell  you have option to choose it has the same market as normal corn but the price is different the best month to sell it is january better check in the prices tab where and when.

iAlreadyExist iAlreadyExist heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

Hi, the trailer it's update for FS 25? Wet, dirt, etc??

@FirenzeIT hi once again i have made update i have added all liquid trailers so everyone can have option and choose what they like.

iAlreadyExist iAlreadyExist heb gereageerd op een opmerking over een mod

Hi, the trailer it's update for FS 25? Wet, dirt, etc??

@FirenzeIT hi the trailer is the water trailer from fs25 it should have all of that becouse its from the base game its smaller one however i have made it to hold 50.000l and you can pull it with the international CV or tractor i also have made it to hold all other liquids aswell.

i can probably add more trailer types in the future well see.