Karte funktioniert super, aber was toll wäre ist wenn es de Spurführung geben würde und man somit ggf. auch den Helfer aktivieren kann.
@Sunshine4882 ttv i tried this, but i have realize that giant has limited the AI to a give size of field. The only way to get AI to work is when i reduce the field sizes which will be meaningless to call it bigfields. Hope giant will fiexed this in the next update. Thanks!
je vois que ça fait au moins 1 mois que les gens te disent que ta carte ne démarre pas, tu ne pense pas que tu devrais faire quelque chose ???
@LilouBébé Hae, I have found that this problem is with all 16X maps. Some computers can load it while others fail. I think Giant has to optimize the FS 25 game so that it should be less demanding in terms of computing resources. I even made empty 16X map, JuotcaBigFields16X, but some are still complaining that it couldnt load in their computer to 100% while others are happy and enjoying farming on the maps. I am still on it.
@RockyDragon7 Hi, do you have the latest version, V1.3 4X?
<span class="text-brand font-medium cursor-default" contenteditable="false" data-database-value="@RockyDragon7">@RockyDragon7</span>
@ENRICOAGRI Sorry about that. 16X fs 25 maps is a challange to some pcs. I am working hard to solve this problems. Can you try loading any other 16x maps for fs 25?