I'm curious! What version of FS is this envelope from? FS11-13-15-17-19????
many warnings and errors!!! ATTENTION! This mod recommends (Published by KingMods)!!!
Warning : Missing exactFillRootNode for fuel fill unit (1).
Error : Sound template 'WATER_SPLASH_01' was not found in vehicle.drivable.sounds.waterSplash
Warning : Obsolete ai collision trigger ground. Please replace with empty transform group and add size attributes. 'vehicle.ai.collisionTrigger#node'
Warning : Unable to find dashboard group 'MOTOR_ACTIVE' for dashboard 'vehicle.motorized.dashboards.dashboard(1)'
Error: keyframes not strictly monotonic increasing
Warning : repr and driveNode may not be equal. Using default driveNode instead! (vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(0).wheels.wheel(0))
Warning : repr and driveNode may not be equal. Using default driveNode instead! (vehicle.wheels.wheelConfigurations.wheelConfiguration(0).wheels.wheel(1))
Warning : Invalid camera shadow focus box 'shadowFocusBox'. Must be a shape and cpu mesh
Error: Index not found: wheelBackLeft
Error: Index not found: wheelBackRight
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): I3D file offers '3' objects, but '2' components have been loaded!
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): 'vehicle.baseMaterial' is not supported anymore!
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): 'vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJointConfigurations.attacherJointConfiguration(0).attacherJoint(0).topArm#color' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJointConfigurations.attacherJointConfiguration(0).attacherJoint(0).topArm#materialTemplateName' instead!
Error (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): Sound template 'WATER_SPLASH_01' was not found in vehicle.drivable.sounds.waterSplash
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): Top arm filename is referring to the i3d file. Please use the xml file instead. (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/shared/upperLink.i3d)
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): Missing categoryRange or widthRange attribute for bottom arm in 'vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJointConfigurations.attacherJointConfiguration(0).attacherJoint(0)'
Warning (C:/mods/BW25_DeutzD06/d06series.xml): Pto output needs to have valid 'attacherJointIndices' or 'attacherJointNodes' in 'vehicle.powerTakeOffs.output(1)'
Before publishing the mod in groups, use the program from the developers! (TestRunner_public_0_9_4)
Warning (C:/mods/FS25_GAZ_53/GAZ_53.xml): Discharge node fill unit index already used for AI. Discharge node will be ignored for 'vehicle.dischargeable.dischargeableConfigurations.dischargeableConfiguration(0).dischargeNode(1)'
Warning: 'C:/mods/FS25_GAZ_53/GAZ_53.xml' has invalid fillType 'BULK'.
fs25 shader functions not working???
ATTENTION! No choice of wheels! Maybe this is a scammer!?
@Miziuu Page Not Found
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