@SModding745 Hello, no the Cressoni is from modhub
hah, nice one
@MCBananna Not gonna lie, I tried converting this to fs22 or actually making one from the basics scratch. Would fit my savegame perfectly hah (update: I recreated it on poettinger 185VC)
I need this in fs22 😅
"half" explain that half then. Because for me and danio only 15-20% isn't finished
How did you resize your pictures to get them to work properly? When I try to add my own pictures, they look stretched and out of place
type into google or something "how to make a png bigger without losing quality", click the first link which will be from adobe, select the picture you want, then resize for custom instead of instagram, and set width to 2100 for the best. Because depends on your monitor, I play on 1920x1080 so and yeah that's it
it's not a mod..