Is it possible to set the commerce not to close at 18:00pm then open only at 09:00am. Is there way to disable this?
There's a bug with it that when the trailer is in the used vehicle sale, The game don't generate any other sale afterward.
@LeDuoProMapping Kool
When you hit "F" to turn on the lights, it those light up on the vehicle but no lights projected around the vehicle at all. Is this intended?
@IllGib No worries, I will still use that precious mod 😉
Est ce possible de savoir quel grandeur la map vas etre?
When you hit "F" to turn on the lights, it those light up on the vehicle but no lights projected around the vehicle at all. Is this intended?
@IllGib If you mean the game settings, I just set it to medium and touch nothing else. If you are talking about another settings, tell me what settings is it, then I'll look into it.
P.S: So far no one react or post anything about this issue, it's maybe only on my end.
Those this texture affect contract? The last texture I dowload from another author it screw up all maize contract!
When you hit "F" to turn on the lights, it those light up on the vehicle but no lights projected around the vehicle at all. Is this intended?
@IllGib I loaded the mod alone without any other mods and it still the same. I guess my game is glitching or something lol. So no worries about it, I still gonna use it that thing is handy as hell, specially when you starting a new map.
When you hit "F" to turn on the lights, it those light up on the vehicle but no lights projected around the vehicle at all. Is this intended?
@IllGib I will check.