Zoekresultaten voor ferrari

27 resultaten
  • Ferrari SF90 Stradale
    7 506
    Ferrari SF90 Stradale -Prijs: $500.000 -Snelheid: 340 km/u -Motor: 986 pk -Open/dicht N-vensters -Voeg 10 type banden toe -Selecteerbare kleuren -Aanhangwagenkoppeling
  • Ferrari 488 GTB
    10 351
    De eerste Ferrari van FS25, de Ferrari 488 GTB -25 officiële Ferrari-kleuren plus basiskleur -animeren teller -FS-kentekenplaat - Functionele verlichting -Het is personaliseren
  • Ferrari LaFerrari
    20 873
    - Power: 300 hp; - Speed: 200 km/h; - Cost: 3 900 000 $; - Selection of primary color; - Choice of design color; - Choice rim color; - Open windows, doors, hood, spoiler; - Animated dashboard; - Working lighting equipment; - Working mirrors; - Leaves traces; - Gets dirty and washable; Two engines to choose from with different maximum speeds (200/320 km/h). Automatic 7-speed gearbox with manual shift option. Original sounds.
  • Showroom Ferrari
    18 550
    a Ferrari Showroom to decorate a map or for PR
  • Ferrari 488 GTB
    21 984
    the Ferrari 488 GTB - color of your choice - customizable plate
  • Ferrari F8 Tributo
    25 217
    Ferrari F8 Tributo perfect for driving on the roads of an Italian map which is available on fs22 recently 😉 - configurable color - configurable plate -counter animate
  • Ferrari SF90 Stradale
    48 441
    Ferrari SF90 Stradale -Price: 500.000 $ -Speed : 340 km/h -Engine : 986 h.p -Open / Close Windows N -Add 10 type rims -Selectable Colors -Trailer Hitch
  • Ferrari Thor 75
    9 197
    Specifications:Ulany Patrik12 - Price: 3000 - Power: 100
  • Ferrari F40 1987
    17 539
    KingMods Logo
    Uitgegeven door KingMods
    One of the most legendary luxury cars released in 1987 by the Italian brand Ferrari. Characteristics : - Price: 1.300.000 € - Power: 480 hp
  • Ferrari LaFerrari 2014
    19 543
    - Price: 3.900000$ - Speed: 120 / 320km/h - Engine: 949h.p - Plates: USA / NO plate - Selectable Colors Exterior / Interior - Select Trailer Hitch YES / NO - Simple IC Open doors - Add Universal Passenger
  • 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO
    10 768
    KingMods Logo
    Uitgegeven door KingMods
    The incredible Italian collector's vehicle now available on fs19! Characteristics : - Price: 320,000 € - Power: 300 hp