Zoekresultaten voor mchale

60 resultaten
  • McHale 691
    3 428
    Dit is een McHale 691 balenhandler voor de FS 25. Ik hoop dat u ervan zult genieten
  • McHale 430
    10 792
    Prijs 8500 Stroom nodig 65 Baalcapaciteit 1 Achterdeur kan open zijn, pijp kan worden verplaatst.
  • McHale Fusion 4
    15 788
    De McHale Fusion 4 is een robuuste, volautomatische, geïntegreerde balenperswikkelaar die wereldwijd wordt erkend vanwege zijn unieke gepatenteerde baaloverdracht, verticale wikkelring en hoge output. De machine is uitgerust met een hakselaar met 25 messen, een automatisch progressief smeersysteem en een servogestuurde lastafhankelijke regelklep, die in combinatie met de Expert Plus-bedieningsconsole het balenpers- en wikkelproces volledig automatisch maakt. De machine is standaard voorzien van 560/60-22,5 banden. Prijs: 102000 € Benodigd vermogen: 150 pk Max. Werksnelheid: 17 km/u Bewaar de originele link!! https://sharemods.com/ga56t0j3legp/FS25_McHale_Fusion_4.zip.html We hopen dat je de mod leuk vindt!!!
  • McHale Mowers
    9 532
    ProGlide F3100 51kW/70hp Working Width 3.1m MCHALE R130 59kW/80hp WorkingWitdh 3m B9000 Combination Mower 118kW/160hp Working Width 10m This is a reskin off the pottinger mower the credit is giving to the original
  • McHale Fusion 4
    15 819
    Specifications: - markerlights - worklights Enjoy it ;)
  • McHale 998
    15 935
    KingMods Logo
    Uitgegeven door KingMods
    It's a square bale wrapper, the McHale 998, perfect for preparing your silage wraps for winter! Price: €54,000 Width of accepted boots: 220cm square
  • McHale 991LBER
    20 479
    - McHale 991LBER - Bale Wrapper Useful for wrapping bales in Farm yard instead of taking the wrapper to the bales this is useful to set up in your farm yard and bring all the bales to it for wrapping saving time and extra work. - Price 27500 - Wrap Colour Configs - To use this wrapper attach to a tractor with auto unload on and use front loader/telehandler to place bale onto the turntable and repeat .
  • McHale Straw Blower Pack
    17 041
    - McHale Straw Blower Pack - C360 - Price 4500 - C460 - Price 6500 - Needed Power 100 - Future Updates coming
  • McHale 691
    6 007
    The McHale 691 round bale handler is a heavy duty handler with rotating rollers that have tine reinforcement. It can be used to carry one bale of silage or spike two bales of hay or straw. On the 691 , the rotating rollers can be removed, transforming it into a spike type round bale handler capable of transporting two unwrapped bales of silage, hay, straw or lucerne at the one time. With its rugged, high-quality construction and large lifting capacity the McHale 691 round bale handler is the logical choice for you.
  • McHale Windrower
    20 417
    Characteristics: - Price: €21,000 - Required power: 80 hp - Working width: 7.4m
  • McHale Fusion 4
    50 171
    The McHale Fusion 4 is a robust, fully automatic, integrated baler wrapper recognised worldwide for its unique patented bale transfer, vertical wrapping ring and high output. The machine is equipped with a 25-knife chopping unit, automatic progressive greasing system and a servo operated load sensing control valve, which when combined with the Expert Plus control console, makes the baling and wrapping process fully automatic. Price: 92000 € Required power: 150 hp Max. Working speed: 17 km/h For the baler to work with the additive and net wrap, you need to fill the additive first and then the net wrap, if you refill the net wrap first, you cannot refill the additives, we dont know why but here is the advice! ! Keep the original link !! https://sharemods.com/cshkr97af7j6/FS22_MChale_Fusion_4.zip.html We hope you like the mod!!!