$dispatch('modal-box:open', 'fullscreen-slider')
$dispatch('fullscreen-slider:update', { startAt: glide.index })
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Hello everyone, I share with you my map, which I made for several hours even many hours. But I’m proud of what I’ve done so I’m putting it in DL. There will surely be other versions. If you have positive or negative remarks on the map, suggestions for improvement, ect, please let me know so that I can improve the map.
The map includes:
- A cow farm + 1 meadow located next to the pig farm
- A pig farm
- A small village
- Two points of sale
- COMPATIBLE season mods
- A water point at the pig farm
- 75 fields available and purchasable including 25 fields of grass
- functional cow meadow with rack
Polecane mody
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