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MaizePlus ForageExtension

  • MaizePlus ForageExtension
14 866


ForageExtension for MaizePlus.
This Extension for MaizePlus reworks the feeding system in FS completely. First the differentiating between the different silages from MaizePlus makes sense now, but the feeding in general is reworked to make it more interesting and also more realistic.

We also add new feeding-related food-fruits Alfalfa (with Hay and Silage) and Clover (with Hay and Silage) and Carrots.
If you want to harvest Alfalfa or Clover as fresh fodded or hay you need a Map that is ready for MaizePlus ForageExtension fruit types.
Alfalfa-Silage, Clover-Silage and carrots can be bought in the shop to feed your animals regardles of map preperation.
This Extension also doesn't add any more heighttypes so you don't have to worry about that. But it needs the MaizePlus base mod.




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MaizePlus ForageExtension
  • MaizePlus ForageExtension