NoPAINnoGAIN V1.0.0.1

  • NoPAINnoGAIN V1.0.0.1
  • NoPAINnoGAIN V1.0.0.1
  • NoPAINnoGAIN V1.0.0.1
  • NoPAINnoGAIN V1.0.0.1
  • NoPAINnoGAIN V1.0.0.1
  • NoPAINnoGAIN V1.0.0.1
Impakt Farmer 53
38 subskrybentów
19 053

Change log
- correction of many visuals, lighting, horse problem
- integration of information panels translated into English, German and French
- file optimization

Welcome to noPAINnoGAIN. This x4 map is made up of many fields laid out on hilly terrain out of my imagination. Do not look for the cultivation of cotton, sugar cane, poplars, oilseed radishes, wood production or even Brahmin-type cows you will not find them.
"no pain no gain" means "we have nothing for nothing" so you know what to expect!
- 72 fields
- 10 points of sale
- many animated storage points
- 2 cow pens
- 2 chicken pens
- 1 sheep pen
- 1 pig pen
- The manure of the pens composed of straw must be cleared and requires the mod "HoT Stable Manure Area"
- 1 BGA with water collection point
- 1 production of compost by fermentation of manure
- 1 wastewater treatment plant from the dairy with slurry recovery point
- 14 cultures
- Animated silo nets
- Animated hedges
- Multi-angle terrain
- Destruction of grass on purchased land
- Appearance / disappearance of objects depending on the season
- Custom lighting
- Translated into English and German
- And lots of things to discover ...

Please keep the original download link.

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