Ta praca w toku została zarchiwizowana. Może to być spowodowane długim okresem bezczynności lub decyzją autora. Nie możemy wiedzieć, czy zostanie on ponownie zaktualizowany później, czy nie.
I can almost finished the first farm just I have to correct and add something to make it more realistic
I started to create a small town and make a little corner with Autovision, landscaping structure and some other house
I have a little problem I do not know how to make the cow stall functional I continue to watch but its still hard
C'est quoi ton problème avec la stabulation ?
Où tu n'arrives pas à placer les vaches sur ta Map.. si c'est le cas donne ton discord je te contacterai. Bon courage
Hi everybody,
I have made progress on the Coin de l'Eure map project, it is still hard for me to find time to continue,
despite some technical problems I advance it
I am attaching you some photo of the advancement it's really not much but I haven't been in for a very long time
Thank you for your feedback and comments,
I will keep you informed as soon as possible on the progress of the map