Lizard MKS 16
Modification of the water / milk tanker Lizard MKS8
Change to 2 axles and modification of the water / milk tanker Lizard MKS8
Modifications made:
1) Passage through 2 axles
2) Addition of several configurations
- Side underrun bars
- Side platform
3) Addition of the basic colors provided in the game in addition to the 3 basic colors of the MKS8
Modifications still to be made:
1) Addition of a rotating beacon on the rear part
2) Manure system compatibility
3) Adding tire configurations
If you have any ideas or questions, please let me know!
$dispatch('modal-box:open', 'fullscreen-slider-4')
$dispatch('fullscreen-slider:update', { startAt: 0 })
$dispatch('modal-box:open', 'fullscreen-slider-4')
$dispatch('fullscreen-slider:update', { startAt: 1 })
$dispatch('modal-box:open', 'fullscreen-slider-4')
$dispatch('fullscreen-slider:update', { startAt: 2 })
open ? glide.update($event.detail) : {})">
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