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AntiqueAcresRanch AntiqueAcresRanch odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

another map not tested correctly wood contracts broken.

@FarmerTreanor you simply could have mentioned the bug without being an ass. have you made a map? if not just share the bug without being an ass

AntiqueAcresRanch AntiqueAcresRanch odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

C'est une honte, que kingmods poste se mods avec ce nom, dans ce cas noublier pas les 2 éclaires qui vont avec, .............non je suis pas preneur pour ce mods, par contre je demande a ce qu'il soit retirer au plus vite, pour le respect ............merçi.

It's a shame that kingmods posts these mods with this name, in this case don't forget the 2 lightning bolts that go with it, ............. no I'm not interested in this mod, on the other hand I ask that it be removed as soon as possible, out of respect ............ thank you.

then don't download it is that's simple and your choice. but to ask for its removal all because of its name is laughable. if it had black lives matter plastered all over you wouldn't say a fuckin thing. because in reality ALL LIVES MATTER

AntiqueAcresRanch AntiqueAcresRanch odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

That name is shockingly inappropriate to a german.

@Drank its a fuckin name who cares, its no different than  SS Camaro, and the SS Camaro is a real car that was made wayyyyyyyyyyafter ww2 so just sit there and be offended and STFU

AntiqueAcresRanch AntiqueAcresRanch skomentował mod

link not working. did giants pull it again for more testing?

AntiqueAcresRanch AntiqueAcresRanch skomentował mod

mod is missing from giants page where link sends you too.

AntiqueAcresRanch AntiqueAcresRanch skomentował mod

no file at the link provided so not downloadable

AntiqueAcresRanch AntiqueAcresRanch odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

Well I will start by saying the ads to download is Evil. The mod itself is very nice. There could be more color configs. It is Camo or white and you cannot change colors of rims. I do think the rusty look is very cool. Will be a good addition to the logging end of my game. Maybe throw a winch on each side of cab. All in all good mod but I will never disable my ad blocker because of websites like you all have. is free or you can pay for a bigger amount of storage and transfer. you make good mods i suggest using mega to make it easier on those who want your mods

AntiqueAcresRanch AntiqueAcresRanch odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

Well I will start by saying the ads to download is Evil. The mod itself is very nice. There could be more color configs. It is Camo or white and you cannot change colors of rims. I do think the rusty look is very cool. Will be a good addition to the logging end of my game. Maybe throw a winch on each side of cab. All in all good mod but I will never disable my ad blocker because of websites like you all have.

I agree. i use its so much easier and you get to control how long the link you share lasts