

18 subskrybentów


BipolarWeasel BipolarWeasel odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

It is in the shop under decorations > Others

Go all the way to the mods names that start with T and you'll find it.

BipolarWeasel BipolarWeasel skomentował mod

You saved it as a .RAR, not a ZIP.

BipolarWeasel BipolarWeasel odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

merci pour le mod, la scene va etre converti et publier ?
car j'ai essaye mais je n'y arrive pas

This mod is only the tower light.

The scene is from my own saved game of Elm Creek. Here is an album:

BipolarWeasel BipolarWeasel skomentował mod

Nice mod. Noticed errors in my game log file when loading it. I found the landbauerDiesel.xml file in \ placeables \ landbauerDiesel \ folder. Line 62 and 63 say filename="marker/markerIcons.xml" but the file "markerIcons.xml" is under the "shared/marker/" folder. I just think you forgot to add "shared/" to those two lines. so it should be

triggerMarker node="markerFuel01" filename="shared/marker/markerIcons.xml" id="FUEL" adjustToGround="false" /


triggerMarker node="markerFuel02" filename="shared/marker/markerIcons.xml" id="FUEL" adjustToGround="false" /


BipolarWeasel BipolarWeasel odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

NOTICE: Mod needs corrections. Bogracs.i3d: Line 11 and 12 file have "Textures/' and "Textures/coffe.png' Letter case matters. The folder is 'textures' not 'Textures'. edit the .i3d and make those lower case. Also there isn't a coffe.png. There is a In fact the .i3d is full of calls to .png files but they are all .dss files. This causes a LOT of errors in the FS22 logs when picking this mod from the store.
bogracs.xml: it is missing the "brush" section in "storeData". the "Foldable" and "lights" sections have been commented out (turned off). Why have the coding if it is just going to be commented out? Finally, While the mod shows up in the store, there is no preview when placing the mod in game.

Updated my star rating of your mod after you corrected the errors. Thanks!

BipolarWeasel BipolarWeasel skomentował mod

NOTICE: Mod needs corrections. Bogracs.i3d: Line 11 and 12 file have "Textures/' and "Textures/coffe.png' Letter case matters. The folder is 'textures' not 'Textures'. edit the .i3d and make those lower case. Also there isn't a coffe.png. There is a In fact the .i3d is full of calls to .png files but they are all .dss files. This causes a LOT of errors in the FS22 logs when picking this mod from the store.
bogracs.xml: it is missing the "brush" section in "storeData". the "Foldable" and "lights" sections have been commented out (turned off). Why have the coding if it is just going to be commented out? Finally, While the mod shows up in the store, there is no preview when placing the mod in game.