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clear log?

@EpicPryda everyone cares?
like are you retarded or stupid or something?

errors in the log lags and slows the game down, because it doesn't stop prompting the error until you exit the game.

if this shows errors in the log and people tell you, you fix it.

blask0 blask0 skomentował mod

the dirt mapping could do a serious rework
no implement gets this dirty no matter the conditions it works in

if it was up to me i would focus the dirt mapping on the tines, wheels and the underside of the frame itself with minimal dirty on the top of the frame

blask0 blask0 skomentował mod

the real question is, do the animations work?
like all the doors, the manure lift?

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as someone who drives one of these for vintage harvest days each summer, you almost got it right, there are a few things though.

the steering axle or back axle is a bit narrower than what your model has, and the front end/front axle is bit wider and the stairs up to the cab can extended out so you can fit tein wheels as well.

other than that i think you hit the spot pretty well.

blask0 blask0 skomentował mod

what is it with you and not putting a proper cab option on your mods? 🤨
- both the other Deutz and now this one as well 🤔

it looks so good, but totally unplayable for realism without a cab.

blask0 blask0 skomentował mod

why remove the cab?
it's look so silly and ugly without it

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whats the width ???

no its not?
it just says "TP 4000", that could be anything and mean anything.

beside missing the width specification in the description, it also doesnt have optimal horsepower needed or anything.

it's just lazy as hell.

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the twin wheels need some spacing out, you would never mount duals that close 😅

the reasons why they have a gap/spacing in the first place is to allow for sidewall flex in the tires, better flotation and so the dirt doesn't build up.

no worries, thought you might wanna know with all the other detailed work you are doing on it, so it looks right 👍🏻