

119 subskrybentów


IllGib IllGib odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

It's sttill error lua

@criss20ster Found it, wasn't a lua error, just a model that i removed and forgot to delete the reference in the xml, thanks for reporting.

IllGib IllGib odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

Nice one, it only need the chassis color warning to be fixed so can change colors, and it's perfect. It use the vehicle shader mods? I found the most difficult part in converting mods for 25, it seems to remove or miss most or all the multi material slots.

@DanielloHQ i tried to tinker with, but the custom shader prevent changing color, i have to try to disable the ColorMask option, but if isn't prepared i think i'll simply end with a white combine.

IllGib IllGib skomentował mod

Nice one, it only need the chassis color warning to be fixed so can change colors, and it's perfect. It use the vehicle shader mods? I found the most difficult part in converting mods for 25, it seems to remove or miss most or all the multi material slots.

IllGib IllGib skomentował mod

Too many errors, it's an attempt to simply drop a previous version without a real conversion.

IllGib IllGib odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

Hello, can you tell me the working speed and width?

@nolen1234 Hi, sure. 5m and 5km/h, i should add those infos in the store screen.

IllGib IllGib odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda



@ZzzSmileYzzZ this must work, i simply added the combine to the existing car XD

IllGib IllGib odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

When you hit "F" to turn on the lights, it those light up on the vehicle but no lights projected around the vehicle at all. Is this intended?


@ZzzSmileYzzZ i have another one, a bit smaller, in review, just in case XD

IllGib IllGib odpowiedział na komentarz dotyczący moda

When you hit "F" to turn on the lights, it those light up on the vehicle but no lights projected around the vehicle at all. Is this intended?


@ZzzSmileYzzZ Have you tried with a new save with only this machine? Yes pretty strange, it's the first time that someone report a problem with lights, i keep them simple exactly to avoid possible issues. It can be anything at this point.