me too, I am currently working on stuff that needs it...
Info update coming.
This box is used to transport small animals.
@tuneur76 blaylock it actually has chickens, it will hold 21 of them. I forgot to update the info....
Hi, have you considered making this more realistic? Like in real life, few kilos of the product every 3 months. Getting pallet of weed after one month of growing is very meh.
@pena I just increased the pallet size from 1000 liters to 4000 liters so it should only be a pallet about every 4 months now. The greenhouses are putting out around 1000 liters a month. It takes 3 to 4 greenhouses to keep the rest of the system supplied in product. Eventually things will be balanced more but atm I am working on developing new assets to replace the game assets used for the building. Part of that will be 2 versions of the greenhouse, one as is and the other more realistic but that version will require a lot more to keep the factories running.