this mod doesn't work for me. I can't put it in work position (unfolding it)
@Cpt G aah okay thanks
Where can i find the Option to lift and lower the Axis Like it is described in the Update?
thank you very much for this mod, this is awesome! So much love to details and the rusty texture work (100% worn) is incredible!
No but he increased the density of the plants heavily. Open the canola.xml and Go down to the big Green, big Green 2 and harvest ready Stage and Change the Block density from 3.51 to maybe 1.5
I tried the mod with crop rotation and it works so far it seems. But is it possible that everytime you load into your game, new yields are being calculated despite having saved the game? I saved my game when my potato field had a yield of 381.000l/ha according to the info display. When I reloaded my saved game it was only 269.000.
I tested it again. It really seems that the mod calculates a new vield for your savegame, everytime you load into it. That's unfortunate and too random for me sadly. Otherwise the mod would be great. maybe you can change that in the future :D
No it was just for understanding. In hindsight this is actually Not Bad since other crops that will be ready to harvest in another month will get another yield calculation which means by accident it simulates different yield ouzcomes for different fruits. So If the year was Bad for wheat IT might still become awesome for maize or sunflowers for example
I tried the mod with crop rotation and it works so far it seems. But is it possible that everytime you load into your game, new yields are being calculated despite having saved the game? I saved my game when my potato field had a yield of 381.000l/ha according to the info display. When I reloaded my saved game it was only 269.000.
I tested it again. It really seems that the mod calculates a new vield for your savegame, everytime you load into it. That's unfortunate and too random for me sadly. Otherwise the mod would be great. maybe you can change that in the future :D
so the saved yield will stay for one month until it switched to the next month? Means when Maize is ready in october and you save it, the yield wil lstay the same for october but wil lchange again for november when you don't harvest it until the month switch?
I tried the mod with crop rotation and it works so far it seems. But is it possible that everytime you load into your game, new yields are being calculated despite having saved the game? I saved my game when my potato field had a yield of 381.000l/ha according to the info display. When I reloaded my saved game it was only 269.000.
I tested it again. It really seems that the mod calculates a new vield for your savegame, everytime you load into it. That's unfortunate and too random for me sadly. Otherwise the mod would be great. maybe you can change that in the future :D