Robert Beet Chopper Pack

  • Robert Beet Chopper Pack
  • Robert Beet Chopper Pack
  • Robert Beet Chopper Pack
E.T.A La Marchoise
344 de inscritos
10 331

Robert Beet Chopper Pack

A unique and efficient system for chopping, dispensing and cleaning
all types of beets and others.

Beets were excluded from livestock feed for a long time
because of its distribution cost. Cleaning and destemming were not mechanized
and required a significant workforce.
In reality, ROBERT's HB model responds and eliminates this problem.
thanks to a complete and innovative system which acts according to 5 actions:
• Cleaning
• Land evacuation
• Land reclamation
• The hash
• The distribution

A unique system of knives allows the passage of stones in the crushing rotor.

- HB 1000
3 point hitch
Price: 7754 €
Capacity: 1000 L

- HB 1000 T
Front loader, skidsteer, wheel loader and telescopic hitch
Price: 8192 €
Capacity: 1000 L

- HB 1600
3 point hitch
Price: € 9,247
Capacity: 1600 L

- HB 1600 T
Wheel loader and telescopic hitch
Price: 9680 €
Capacity: 1600 L

- HB 2500
3 point hitch
Price: 12 734 €
Capacity: 2500 L

- HB 2500 T
Wheel loader and telescopic hitch
Price: 8192 €
Capacity: 14183 L

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