Braunda Farm

  • Braunda Farm
  • Braunda Farm
  • Braunda Farm
  • Braunda Farm
  • Braunda Farm
  • Braunda Farm
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The Braunda map or Braunda farm is a Brazilian map with relief based on a region of Minas Gerais, with the intention of bringing a good gaming experience on Brazilian soil.
Small, medium, and mostly large fields, to satisfy as many players as possible.

-Contains a farm with its own silo.
Contains a small farm.
-You start with machinery.
-Fields with missions.
-The larger farm contains a trench silo for stubble.

Limestone mine.
-Lime mine with point of sale, or you can load your own lime.

Points of Sale.
-2 points of sale of grains, milk and eggs.
Animal trader (Frigorific Braunda).
-Point of sale for sugar cane and bales.
-All crops and products can be sold.

Corrals with loose animals.
-3 corrals, 2 large and 1 small.

-Fuel station.
-Vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
-2 workshops.
One next to the store and one next to the gas station in the small town.
-A small, well decorated Brazilian village.
-Roads and real reliefs.
-Vegetation and some modified textures.
-Red soil texture.
-This map is not ready for Mod Seasons.

Mod temporadas
Registro de alterações
  • Tailan
  • Team IWMM
  • Erik Isac
  • Agro Mods