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Deutz D6207

  • Deutz D6207
  • Deutz D6207
  • Deutz D6207
16 001


Good morning all,

Here is my first tractor made by an existing IRL model.

There are several options like:
- 2 brands of tires
- narrow wheels
- loader frame (custom made)

Characteristics :
- Price: 4500
- Power: 62CH

The mod is due to have several versions to improve it like a 6206 version.
The details are still not present. This is a first for me.
I thank Titi modding for his help in the scripts.

If you have any bugs or errors you can comment them out.

Thank you for your indulgence and good games!



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Deutz D6207
  • Deutz D6207
  • Deutz D6207
  • Deutz D6207