Dinz Farms Map

  • Dinz Farms Map
  • Dinz Farms Map
  • Dinz Farms Map
  • Dinz Farms Map
  • Dinz Farms Map
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A map of a region in the north of the united states that is Ohio, it is of very good quality and has a lot of features!

"This map focuses primarily on small and medium scale dairy production, with a plethora of new features

to shift the focus of the game from cash cultivation to dairy farming. "

Seasons Ready (and highly recommended)
Built in GEO
Compatible with precision farming (real soil map)
New silo unloaders
New crops: corn silage, short season soybeans, alfalfa, rye and triticale
New corn harvesting techniques: ear and corn picking
New filling types: cracked corn, bean meal, ground feed, short season soybean and CCM (used to simulate high moisture corn feed types)
Global Company for the fermentation of silos and drying of corn
Calves and milk substitutes
Self-loading bale barns
More realistic TMR mixes
Automatic feeding bunk
New heifer pen
Corn and bean husks
Big round bales (grass bales are still small for Anderson DLC compatibility) "

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Registro de alterações
  • spoiler
  • MRG Mapping