La Ferme Ecuelloise V3

205 de inscritos
12 916

Este trabalho em andamento foi arquivado. Isso pode ser devido a um longo período de inatividade ou por decisão do autor. Não podemos saber se será atualizado novamente mais tarde ou não.

Something new and always more realism ....

Now in Farming you will be able to bring in your animals during cold and snowy winters ....
We put the gum on the decorations ... Always more and always more beautiful for a card as true as life.

Now the rain is streaming down the roads, even more beautiful Christmas decorations, snow stakes along the roads to remove snow from them. Snow removal missions to occupy your winters and earn you money (Mod Seasons required) ,.

A small hamlet by the sea.

A third city even more beautiful and more real than the others, where you can control a butcher's shop, a fishmonger's and a barrel factory.

Still lots of things to come ...

:-) :-)


La Ferme Ecuelloise V3
La Ferme Ecuelloise V3
La Ferme Ecuelloise V3

Bonjour, il y a-t-il des nouvelles concernant la V3?


une version fs 22 ?


des nouvelles ?

Addition of a fish farm and decorations

The Ecuelloise Farm V3 is still being redesigned .... Since the release of V2 almost everything has been redone, more realistic roads and field paths, ever more beautiful decorations which bring the menu to life. The level crossings have been reworked to stick to real life.

- Creation of a hamlet and a third town with butcher's shop, barrel production, flour production
- Addition of street signs, change of all road signs.
- Creation of a stud farm for your horses with individual boxes and a grazing area
- Creation of pastures on all the meadows of the map for cows, sheep and horses with the obligation to put a battery for the electric wires in some of them, rack and water tank 100% real and functional.

- After the mobile milking machine for your cows that you already have, it is now the mobile milking machine for goats that arrives ....
- After raising rabbits it is the turn of a fish farm to see the light of day with animated trout.

Small video for fun:

Don't hesitate to support me by subscribing to my channel, it's always a pleasure and motivates for the future.

See you soon


La Ferme Ecuelloise V3
La Ferme Ecuelloise V3
La Ferme Ecuelloise V3

Encore un travail de fou.
Merci pour la vidéo
Impatient de découvrir la map finale
Bonne courage pour la suite


Bonjour votre carte est très bien je trouve tous très bien Je commence aujourd’hui sur la carte. Merci et bonne année


Des nouvelles de la map ?