Newlands Main Rescue Center

44 de inscritos
Lançamento estimado em 01/2022
3 553

Este trabalho em andamento foi arquivado. Isso pode ser devido a um longo período de inatividade ou por decisão do autor. Não podemos saber se será atualizado novamente mais tarde ou não.

Changes almost complete, Tests in progress

Recovery of a German Fireman mod originally planned for FS17, and converted for FS19 and modified for the needs of a French CSP map.
Many modifications have been reviewed (textures, characters, deletions, additions ...)

The few additions to the original come from different projects or mods already released. If you recognize one of your creations but we have not received any email from me, it is not bad faith on my part, but it is because I have not found your contact details. Do not hesitate to point it out to me and I will correct it immediately. Thank you.

Newlands Main Rescue Center
Newlands Main Rescue Center
Newlands Main Rescue Center

Tu pourra le modifier pour fs22 par la suite se serai génial !