Estágio avançado para o modelo 3D da máquina básica, mais detalhes e texturas em breve look at this link there are the attachements (schaut euch den link an da seht ihr die aufbauten)
The Nexat is a very good idea, I personally find it very impressive and really cool, but a pack with attachments e.g. seed drill, harvester, ... would be very cool if you could put them in a pack with it so that you don't take any of them out of the standard game must (der nexat is eine sehr gute idee ich finde ihn persönlich sehr beeindruckend und echt geil, aber ein pack mit anbauten z.B. sämaschine, ernter, ... wären sehr geil wenn man die in ein pack mit dem machen könnte damit man keine aus dem standartspiel nehmen muss)
Hi everyone!
We've received over 500 private messages, thank you all <3
For those interested in purchasing the Nexat model, we have completed it to AAA standards and finished the texturing. So, It's ready!
Please feel free to contact us at
-Inviox Team
Um pequeno grupo e eu decidimos assumir este grande projeto. Para os não iniciados, esta NEXAT é uma máquina polivalente, inclui o veículo base e as várias ferramentas que podem ser conectadas como semeadora, pulverizador, lâmina de grãos e lâmina de milho. Eu e minha equipe esperamos fazer o mais rápido possível e que quando sair vocês gostem do nosso trabalho.
PS Aceitamos sugestões, escreva-as nos comentários.

i want so bad to like this mod, i tried the "wide vehicle system....." whatever it was, the wheeled version made by someone else, it had tremendous problems in destroying crops (rutting where the wheels had traveled thru), yes im complaining, but please also see this as identifying a previous issue and a potential problem you can work around :)