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Boberholzer Boberholzer comentou um mod

Really?  The confederate 'rebel' flag?  REALLY?

Boberholzer Boberholzer comentou um mod

Does this version still destroy FPS?  I had at least a 20 FPS drop in 22 due to this mod.

Boberholzer Boberholzer comentou um mod

Download site is a trap - avoid at all costs.  Not sure why anyone uses anything but these days.

Boberholzer Boberholzer respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Why are you adding the version number to the filename??

@HuiaModifications Yes, that's what I mean - makes it hard to track and replace the existing mod.

Boberholzer Boberholzer comentou um mod

Why are you adding the version number to the filename??