

33 de inscritos

Discord name: donner574



Donner574 Donner574 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Bonjour, j'ai la même demande : l'animation des portes et lunettes arrière Merci .

@Jill Hi, I'll try to make openable doors etc., in the future.

Donner574 Donner574 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Sait on ouvrir la porte et la vitre arriere ?
Y a t il possibilité de changer la couleur du tracteur ?  ( vert classic fendt par exemple )

@Highlander Hi, you can change color of the tractor, it is already in this version. And I'll try to make openable things in the future.

Donner574 Donner574 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Die Farben vom Cover ändern wäre nicht schlecht

@Stephan977 Hi, I'll try to add it. :)

Donner574 Donner574 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

hello, would be cool if you could add a option to change the wheels color

Hi, there is option to change color of wheel color, you can choose from 5 colors. But in future I can add more colors. :)

Donner574 Donner574 comentou um mod

⚒️ I'm sorry that the mod isn't working. I'm currently figuring out what's causing it. ⚒️

I still don't know why my mod crashes some people's game. I think it isn't compatible with some mod but I'm not 100% sure. But for some people it should work without any problem. :)

Donner574 Donner574 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

game crashes when i try and buy in shop

Hi, please check your messages here on KingMods, I wrote you.

Donner574 Donner574 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

Name of the Shader mod?

VerteX Shaders