20 de inscritos


DSTX1 DSTX1 respondeu a um comentário em um mod
rantott hus modding

Does that mean he's not going to realese it on modhub?

@rantott hus modding I will try to fix all remaining errors as he asked me for, and if everything goes as planed it should see modhub as soon as I fix it

DSTX1 DSTX1 avaliou um mod
DSTX1 DSTX1 respondeu a um comentário em um mod

bonjour y'aura t'il un attelage a l'avenir ?

@Tristan I'll try to fix all the bugs and add more features in future, as soon as I will have some free time to do it

DSTX1 DSTX1 avaliou um mod
DSTX1 DSTX1 avaliou um mod